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Staying Fit In Quarantine

By Megan Lund

With everyone stuck indoors due to quarantine the question arises, how do we stay on top of physical exercise? All gyms are closed and it isn’t safe to be near other people besides those you live with making the outdoor exercise harder. Looking into ways to stay healthy it turns out there are plenty of safe ways to exercise indoors or just away from people while in quarantine. A lot of people have been creative and made their own ways to stay active indoors. Everyone should sure to try to keep active and get some sunlight while they are all inside to keep up their health.

Some people are running, walking, or biking around their neighborhoods. They keep a safe 6-foot distance if they see other people to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This makes sure they both get sunlight and exercise while in quarantine. People who would rather not leave their property are doing yard work that hasn’t gotten done because of a lack of time that is now plentiful. Others simply get their sunlight by out sitting on their porches. Sunlight is important especially when everyone is indoors and everyone should make sure they get is.

People who don’t want to go outside for exercise have been creative in making ways to exercise indoors, such as playing Just Dance or putting together exercise circuits. Some people have managed to rig makeshift stationary bikes. Others have access to their own treadmill that they can run indoors on. Zumba and just dance are both great ways to burn the excess energy from being stuck indoors. Exercise circuits can include things like running up and down the stairs, doing curl-ups, push-ups, or other simple exercises that get the blood pumping and the body burning calories. Overall people have been very imaginative when it comes to exercising during this global pandemic.

Make sure you and your family stay active and get plenty of vitamin D and exercise!

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