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Spring Cleaning

By Melody Perry

As the snow melts away, we’re left with the dirt and grime that’s been covered by pristine white snow for the past 4 months-give or take. Bits of grass and slushy roads are a welcome sight to many, signaling the end of the winter season which,as we all know, lasts seemingly forever in Montana. Juniors are furiously preparing for the ACT, Seniors are preparing to head off to college or into the workforce, and everyone else is working hard to make it to summer.

This is why it’s the perfect time to do some spring cleaning! It’s easy to get busy this time of year and ignore airing out your place, but it’s an important part of staying organized and staying on track. We’ve all got something we could tidy up, whether it be inside, outside, at school, or at home. Think of it as a New Year's resolution take two. My mom is a neatfreak, so I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks on keeping life manageable.

Let’s begin! Let in some sunlight by washing your windows, something that only happens once, maybe twice a year, in our house. According to a newspaper clipping my mom’s collected-like I said, neatfreak, “Mix two teaspoons of white vinegar with one quart of warm water. Use a soft cloth to clean.” They also advise not cleaning windows when they’re warm because the heat will cause the solution to streak before you can clean it. For the rest of the house, place a mason jar of water next to a heater vent to get some moisture into the air. Restock soaps and hygiene products with organic homemade products from the farmer’s market, that opens in April.

Next let’s tidy up your room. Take all the sheets off your bed and wash them; try letting them dry outside because it adds a nice, fresh touch, and saves some electricity. Put away any extra blankets that held you captive on cold mornings; you won’t need them for a while. Disinfect your workspace and recycle old assignments from your backpack. In your closet, wash and pack away winter clothes and extra coats with a dryer sheet to keep them fresh. Donate any clothes you don’t wear anymore. Dust the corners of your ceiling or any other places that don’t get dusted regularly. Vacuum or sweep your floor, and open up your windows if it’s warm enough to air out your room.

Speaking of outside, get out there and do something in nature. Get your hands dirty by planting something, even if it’s some herbs for your windowsill or a flower for your desk. Go on a hike-- just remember your bear spray! You’ve been cooped up inside way to long, and it’s time to get some sun on your face. Just be sure you stock up on allergy medication, if you’re so inclined, so you can enjoy spring to its fullest.

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