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New Classes, New Teachers

Updated: Dec 12, 2018

By Alyssa Tompkins

Capital High School has been undergoing some major renovations, and they’re not physical. New classes and new teachers are flooding our halls. Students can now enjoy new subject matter including Paleontology, AP Environmental Sciences, and many more from teachers they already knew and loved, in addition to new teachers.

Teacher Nick Zarnowski is a new face here at Capital, but is already proving to be a great addition. Zarnowski teaches AP Government and Politics. He says he likes teaching AP specifically because “Everyone is so motivated and wants to be challenged.” He even concludes with calling the students “mind blowingly awesome.” The students in Mr. Zarnowski all agreed unanimously: he was both fun and engaging, two necessary things when learning about Government.

Mr. Zarnowski is not the only new face at CHS; no, Mr. Mahana also joined our ranks as a Bruin. As a new English teacher, students can expect the course they know and love, but laced with new twists and turns. I spoke with a group of freshman in Mahana’s class and they all easily agreed, there is a fun but academic air with Mahana, and its not one they would trade for any other English class. They all agreed collectively as well that Mahana may be new, but he fits right in with the teachers who have been at Capital for years.

While there are plenty of new faces at Capital, there are also student favorites teaching new classes. Mr. Caffrey, a freshman Earth Science teacher, teaches the new course AP Environmental Science. The class is an exciting and unexpected break from normal AP classes offered in high school. The class, so far, has ranged from flying kites to making worm compost kits. Senior Kaley Lightner says “I love Caffery; he makes the class so much fun especially it being AP, and I think in general he just really cares about his students success.” Junior Lillian Hollibaugh says “[He] Teaches us traditionally but also in a way that we’re are able to learn and have fun.” Similarly, Junior Alina Stichen adds “Also talks to us like we're humans.. not students he doesn't care about. Like buds on a professional level.” The fresh face of APES is one perfect for the hands on learner who loves the outdoors.

One other student favorite teacher is teaching a new class: Mrs. Humbert. Humbert teaches a range of science classes which now includes Paleontology class. The study of dinosaurs is brand new to Capital, but students seem to be loving it. The class is open to just about every grade level and is an all inclusive class. Learning about bones may sound boring, but Mrs. Humbert has got your back with fun labs and readings to keep the dead things lively.

Be sure to be on the lookout for any new faces or any new classes to keep your schedule fresh and exciting!

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