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Feminism is Pointless

By: Josh K

Feminism in the modern world is completely irrelevant. Of course, feminism was important through the 1960’s and 80’s, but now there’s no need for feminism. As a matter of fact, when searching the definition of feminism, the first answer that pops up is “the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” It seems to be equal already.

Child custody is a bit strange; according to FindLaw, the mother of the child/children will always get the child unless the mother is unfit to parent. Furthermore, child support is a bit broken when you think about it. One way it’s unfair is that the mother or father who has custody of the child doesn't pay child support. The mother or father who does not have custory the child is forced to pay up to 20% of their income. The second way that the child support laws are unfair is that, according to My Family Law, “if a man were not previously married to the child’s other parent you still owe child support.” According to Family Law, in some states this means that if someone were to just donate their sperm, they could still have to pay child support if they are proven to be the father.

Another issue that pops up with feminism is the “gender pay gap”. Yes, a pay gap does exist, but it can exist between people of the same race and gender; that’s the problem with living in a capitalist country. A pay gap can happen in multiple ways. People earn more by working overtime or doing more than they’re asked. Another way for people to earn more is by asking for a raise, which doesn’t always come. The gender pay gap was calculated by averaging wages for every job in America, meaning that it compares all jobs ranging from high paying jobs to low paying jobs. Furthermore because men typically take the more dangerous higher paying jobs, they typically make more money, but there are always exceptions.

Finally, another dilemma is the “pink tax.” The pink tax is basically women paying more for items like clothes that are for girls, dolls, etc. Yes a pink tax does exists, but it’s for a different reason. Womens items are made from more expensive materials meaning that the items need to be expensive so the business can make a profit. It’s like buying a car: there could be two cars that are almost exactly alike, except for their colors, one is red and the other is white. White paint costs less than red paint so the white car is going to be cheaper, the same is with the pink tax.

All in all, feminism is pointless in the modern world because the two sexes are as close toequal as it can be, and with feminism spreading more it can disrupt the equality.

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