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Crosstown Football

Updated: Dec 19, 2018

Capital High School’s football team just barely lost to the Bengals in the 2018 Crosstown fight. The final score was 20/17.

The atmosphere at Vigilante Stadium on that Friday, September 21, was bright, energetic, competitive, and loud. Because the game was so close, the Bruin student section was still lively after the loss. Even as time was running out, fans held out hope that the Bruins could still win, chanting our famous chant, “I believe that we will win.”

Brady Martin, a Bruin football captain, shared his take on the game and admits that they could have played better. He says the loss was a heartbreak to the team. In his opinion, the reason they lost in the 3rd quarter was because the team “fell into a hole and it put us in a bad position.”

CHS football Captain Alaric Greil, a defensive end, says the loss was a disappointment for the team and the football staff. Greil said that the “Bruins played to the Bengal level and not Bruin level. They played the Bengals’ game and not the Bruin game.” Greil claims the reason they lost was because they didn’t play their best the entire game. But he said that the loss gave the team motivation.

Crosstown hasn’t seemed to affect the Bruins negatively considering they beat Billings with a final score of 21/42 and they’re now likely to go to playoffs.

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